17 мая 2024 года

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«Русмолко» увеличила производство молока на 10% в 2023 году    «Русмолко»  вложит 100 млн рублей в лабораторию   «Русмолко» подвела итоги реализации корпоративной политики в 2023 году

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Rusmolco increased the turnover of grain elevator to 254.000 tons in 2022

Rusmolco, one of the largest producers of the raw milk in Russia, increased the turnover of its grain elevator by 5% to 254.000 tons in 2022. Within the year, it received more than 150.000 tons of crops and dispatched more than 104.000 tons of them.

The company is actively developing the grain elevator’s client base, including farmers and agrarian holdings. About 24% of crops, which amount to 35.000 tons, were received from partner companies last year. In total, more than 10 contractors used the services of the grain elevator in 2022.

The increase of figures is caused by several factors. Firstly, the power of the grain elevator allows working with a wide range of crops, including wheat, brewing barley, sunflower, soy, maize, rape, etc.

Moreover, the opportunity to send and receive produces through railway is of great importance. In 2022, 49.000 tons (or 48%) of crop produces were dispatched through railway. While upgrading the logistics, the company launched the program of receiving and sending friable goods, such as protein meal, oilcake and other feeding components.

“Rusmolco” has one of the most advanced grain elevators, given the laboratory as its main advantage. Its laboratory has the credibility of “State Regional Centre of Standardisation, Measurement and Testing” and implements the full range of analyses to determine the quality of crops.

Quality and honesty are the main principles of the company. Internal contractors and partners regularly arrange the audit for the grain elevator.

It should be reminded that “Rusmolco” put the grain elevator into service in Pachelmskiy district in 2017. The power of it allows keeping 100.000 tons at a time. The company is designed to receive and process up to 5.000 tons of crops per day.



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